The World Bank estimates for 2050 a planet's population close to 10 billion people and a consequent global demand for food increasing by 60-70% compared to now. Being able to satisfy this growing need for food by producing more efficiently represents a great challenge for all of us.
Today, potentially cultivable land is concentrated in a few geographical areas; many nations of the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia, with high population growth, have reached, or are close to reaching, the limits of availability of agricultural land.
Agriculture, using 70% of the fresh water from the pine forest, is human activity that weighs more on existing water resources. In many areas of the world such as India, Pakistan and southern Spain, the growing need for water for agricultural purposes is satisfied by the extraction of underground reserves which are exploited at much more intense rates than rainfall can restore. In other areas, however, such as those in the Middle East, water is obtained through energy-intensive industrial desalination processes.
This situation means that it is necessary to develop new cultivation methods capable of producing efficiently and safely, reducing the resources used throughout the production process (reducing water and energy needs as well as reducing the use of pesticides and pesticides).